New Year’s Resolution, Trail Style

Just like a great novel, your New Year’s resolution needs a strong theme in order to be successful. And that theme needs to be tangible, positive, & measurable.

Now this is the part where most plans tell you to eat less, exercise more, or find some ethereal balance between the two. And those are the plans that are destined to fail. What’s positive about starving yourself? What’s tangible about asking you to flounder around looking for just the right exercise? And who wants to measure something as boring as calories, pounds, or inches?

a group of people walking on a trail over a bridge

Get fit while having fun.

For this year’s resolution, one word says it all: Trails!!

If you’re thinking this sounds different than any other New Years resolution you’ve ever read, you’re correct. That’s exactly why this one will work. It’s tangible, positive, and measurable… in a brand new, fun way.

Trails are the perfect weight-loss tool. They provide both exercise and diet assistance. They’re located in your community. They’re fun. They’re social. They’re healthy. They’re free … (Read more about using trails to achieve your fitness goals on

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