Tag: trail advocacy

Trail Advocacy and Involvement

Promote Trails by Getting Involved in Trail Advocacy According to numerous bumper stickers, SH*T HAPPENS. Unfortunately, trails don’t just happen. You must contact local regional, state & national representatives. You must serve on Boards. And, if possible, it would be ideal if you could volunteer to work on trails. But this trail blog post is …

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Permanent link to this article: https://trailsnet.com/2016/01/12/4503/

Trail Advocacy

Colorado Senator Larry Crowder

Support Politicians Who Support Trails In this age of partisan politics, it is refreshing to note that trails seem to be a nonpartisan issue. Although it is true that some strongly anti-trail politicians such as John McCain and Jim Inhofe are republican, that is not necessarily the party’s default viewpoint. Recently, Colorado Republican State Senator …

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Permanent link to this article: https://trailsnet.com/2015/01/30/trail-advocacy/