Sorry for the gap in posts, but I’ve been on a bike adventure in Georgia & Alabama. While there, I rode the Silver Comet Trail in Georgia. Check out that link. I think you’ll like some of the pictures and info about the trail.The Silver Comet Trail is part of the longest paved trail in the U.S. Combined with the Chief Ladiga Trail in Alabama, it’s a little over 100 miles.
I rented a recumbent bike and spent a couple nights @ motels along the trail. I had incredible weather and met lots of nice people along the way.
Each time I go on these trips, I meet more people who, like me, enjoy traveling the country and trying out rail-trails.
If you haven’t been on one yet, you’ll want to give it a try. You won’t be disappointed.
Mar 25 2010
Silver Comet Trail in Georgia
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