I am extremely pleased to announce that I’ve discovered a website that features wheelchair accessible trails.
It is www.wheelchairtrails.net. It provides access information about San Francisco Bay Area parks.You’ve probably read my rants about the senseless focus on only mountain bike trails and road bike routes.
Yes, I’m an avid mountain biker, and I realize there are hundreds of thousands of people who enjoy riding on mountain bike trails and on roads. But I believe there are even more people who would enjoy riding bikes if they had access to multipurpose trails such as rail-trails.
everyone, regardless of age, ability, physical condition, or bicycle type. To help improve health, the environment, and family togetherness, we must promote bicycling for everyone, not just people of a certain age or ability.That is one of the reasons why I started trailsnet.com. It is a website that features trails for literally
For a listing of multipurpose trails and multi-use paths throughout the U.S., visit trailsnet.com to find the best trails.