I’ve been involved in an ongoing online dialogue about bollards on trails. For those of you not familiar w/ the term, a bollard is a device used on trails to keep motor vehicles out. (see enclosed pictures.)
Aug 09 2010
Is there really a constant need for speed?
My simple reply to that is, “NO!” Not always. In fact, when it comes to trails, for me the answer is never.
There are so many places and activities where fast seems to be the default speed. Some examples of perpetually fast(er) vehicles include motorcycles, road bikes, planes, trains, & automobiles. Okay, I’ll grudgingly give them their “need for speed.”
But what about trails? Can’t we have just one place where we can escape speed? Can’t we have a place where we can relax and enjoy the scenery? How about a place where we can relax and enjoy each other w/out constantly being angry that someone is going “too slow?”
Bikers already have a bad name. Automobile drivers don’t like them because they’re a nuisance. Pedestrians don’t like them because they’re too fast and dangerous. And much of that criticism is rightfully earned.
But I’m a complete trail fanatic. I love trails, not because they’re another place to put the race in “rat race.” I love trails because they’re a place to slow down and enjoy the world. They’re a place to enjoy the view and stop to chat with fellow trail-users.
Trails are a special place, and we should keep them that way.
Permanent link to this article: https://trailsnet.com/2010/08/09/is-there-really-a-constant-need-for-speed/