The five newest & coolest forms of human-powered transportation
By trailsnet in biking, elliptigo, hiking, horseback riding, human powered transportation, hybrid, inline skating, nordic skiing, recumbents, snowshoeing, trikke
Elliptigo |
At trailsnet, we’re all about human-powered transportation, and normally, we highlight the standard fare of biking, hiking, snowshoeing, nordic skiing, inline skating, & horseback riding. But we’re also intrigued by some of the newer forms of sweat-equity transportation; so here’s a list of some cool new ways of getting around while getting in shape:
The Schweeb |
- The Schweeb, by Google is like a hybrid between a bike and a monorail. It is currently located in New Zealand as a recreational application, but it’s potential for transportation is sky-high!
- Those of you who enjoy the elliptical trainer at your local gym will love the Elliptigo. It allows you to cruise like a bicyclist while standing upright like a cross-country skiier. It’s like running without all the jarring impact.
- The Trikke, like the Elliptigo, allows you to stand up while moving down the street or trail. But it’s a lot less expensive and more of a full body workout. And once you master the Trikke, it’ll be a cinch to move onto the Skki during the winter months.
- Okay, recumbents aren’t all that new, but they haven’t yet caught on like I think they’re bound to someday soon. So many of you may not even be aware of the recumbent movement. However, if you give one a try, I predict you’ll be hooked. I know I was.
recumbent |
- Technically velomobiles are a form of recumbent. But I think they look way cool, and seem to have their own following, so I’ll give them their own category. They look like the human-powered machine of the future.
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