The trails sublime…
clap, clap, clap clap!
Deep in the heart of Texas.
I’ve logged a little over a 100 miles the past couple days, on Texas trails.
Yesterday, I rode Lake Mineral Wells State Trailway and today, I blasted up and down the Trinity River Trail System in Fort Worth, Texas.
It was surprisingly warm for the Mineral Wells trail, but a bit windy.
Today’s weather on the Fort Worth trails was perfect; low 60s w/ a slight breeze.
The Mineral Wells trail is a rail trail that runs from the town of Mineral Wells to Weatherford, Texas. It has a crushed limestone surface and a slight grade leading up to a whopping elevation of a little over 1200 feet. The only disappointment was when I found out that after tracking the entire trip using the Everytrail app, the system crashed somehow, and I lost all the coordinates, notes, and photos that I recorded on the iPhone. Bummer. I’ll still be able to produce an Everytrail guide, but I’ll have to draw in the map portion and use photos from my Panasonic camera and notes from my head.
That last one is the scary part.
The Trinity River Trail is a different story though. Everything worked fine. I got a little off track on the first leg of the trip, but I found a better route on the way back, so I’ll make the necessary adjustments. I was pleasantly surprised by how beautiful the Trinity Trail is and how nice the city of Fort Worth looks from the trail.
If any readers have had experience on Texas trails, I’d love to hear about it. Feel free to leave comments or send an email.