Trails are starting to get more attention!
I love it!!
Extra, extra read all about it!! Trails making the front page! |
In today’s newspaper, there were four trail-related news articles and two trail-related letters to the editor.
Trails are starting to make the news. I’ll admit that not all the stories are positive, but as they say in show biz: Any publicity is better than no publicity.
Examples of some of the trail topics for today were:
- “Greener Car Care: Ride Your Bike More Often”
- 15- Second Pitch for a biking business called “Bikerpelli Sports”
- Letter about a professional biker who got busted for using an illegal/unsanctioned trail
- Letter about the possibility of opening portions of a hiking trail for bikers
- On the front page of the newspaper: “Trail-use Decision Nears: City Council to vote on Plan for Management”
- Also on the front page: “Pro Cyclist Ticketed for Using Illegal Trail”
This is just for one day. Trails are big news and that’s how it should be.
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