…I biked out to the abandoned rail corridor…

The other day, I reposted a blog that sounded like it was straight out of  the Onion. So today, I have a funny, rail-trail related article that actually came out of the Onion. It was from the section with the short, fake interviews. The interview question had to do with a possible proposed blackout day for Google, Facebook, Amazon, etc. So the theoretical members of the public were asked what they thought of such an internet blackout/boycott. One phony-balone guy replied:

“… It would be hard to imagine a day without Google or Facebook. I guess it would be like that time when my girlfriend and I biked out to the abandoned rail corridor and we had a picnic and we saw a couple wild turkeys.”

girl talks on cell phone while riding bicycle

the best of both worlds (-:

What makes the Onion so funny is that it often hits so close to home. For me, it’s hard to imagine anyone who would prefer to sit in front of a television or computer rather than riding a bicycle on a rail-trail. Unfortunately, there are people just like the bogus Onion interviewee who don’t see it the same way. They view rail-trails as boring. That is too bad… for them. I’ll take the rail-trail anytime.

Permanent link to this article: https://trailsnet.com/2012/01/11/i-biked-out-to-the-abandoned-rail-corridor/


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  1. I’m with you Kevin….. any day on a rail-trail is a perfect day for me.

  2. Yep, and Florida is the perfect state for rail-trails because:
    a. You’ve got lots of fantastic ones &
    b. You’ve got bike riding weather throughout most of the year.
    Snowshoeing is fun, but I’ve got a hankerin’ to hop on my bike and ride a long, sunny trail. You’ll have to go on an extra ride for me.

  3. The Onion is often funny, and I like to read from the perspective that they are actually mocking those who are glued to the internet. Anyway, I think rail trails are fantastic! The internet . . . more like a necessary evil.

  4. I must admit, in the winter I spend too much time on the computer & not enough time on trails. I need to get back in the habit of heading south for some trail trips during the winter months.

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