Trail Tours on Trailsnet

Trail Tours

You love to travel; you enjoy riding or hiking on trails. Maybe your perfect vacation would be an active travel tourwith a tour company that specializes in trail tours. The benefits are obvious:

bikers viewing sacred valley peru

Sacred Valley Peru

  • safety
  • scenery
  • tough to get lost
  • usually allow you to go at your own pace
  • often less expensive
  • great exercise
  • less crowded
  • new destinations

Bike to Machu Picchu in Peru

machu picchu

Machu Picchu

If you haven’t noticed yet, there’s a pull-down menu in the header bar above that includes the category called “Trail Tours.”  All of the active travel tours and adventure travel tour companies listed under the trail tours heading involve trail-based tours. A good example of a trail tour is the Peru biking adventure offered by Aspiring Adventures. Here’s a little excerpt from the ActiveTravelTours blogpost about Aspiring Adventures:

“We’ll bike to Machu Picchu, ride myriad tracks around the hills of Cusco, and cycle from Maras to Salineras – two unique and incredible Incan sites. Cycle through the incomparable farmland and river gorges of the Lares Valley, camping overnight along the way at high-altitude, natural thermal hot baths perched over a jagged river gorge! Mix hiking and biking single-track or easy downhill road riding in any combination.”

via The Bike trip – 12d – Aspiring Adventures – Adventure tours – hiking, biking and cultural vacations – New Zealand, Peru, Australia, Vanuatu.

Continue monitoring the Trail Tours section of for more information about active travel tours and trail travel tours.

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