Trail Workers Deserve Respect

Trail Construction

Trail detours happen!! They’re inevitable, but necessary. I experienced very minor trail detours both yesterday and today.

cyclists must dismount sign at construction site

Trail Detour

This particular trail detour was barely even noticeable. But a brief conversation I had with some of the construction workers was enlightening and disappointing. They revealed an ugly side to some local trail bikers.

At this particular construction site, bikers were required to dismount and walk their bikes through the construction zone. It was a simple and common-sense request. The trail narrowed and made a fairly sharp turn, so safety dictated that riders walk their bikes for about 50 yards. I noticed that two of the workers were eyeing me and other bicycles with a rather defensive look. So I asked them how things were going. They weren’t too enthusiastic in their reply so, on a hunch, I asked them how the bicyclists were reacting to the detour, the request to dismount, and the general disruption of their trail ride.

Trail Rage

Like I said, the answer was disconcerting at best. Both workers said that over half the bicycle riders were rude, uncooperative and downright abusive. They said that some refused to dismount, others swore at them and one biker even spit at them. Mind you, all of this just because the bicyclists had to slow their pace, get off their bike for about a minute and walk instead of ride. Needless to say, I expressed my sincerest apologies to the workers. I was extremely disappointed that one group of riders give all bicycle riders a bad name. Granted this particular trail is not only a recreational trail, but also a commuter trail. But that is no excuse for rude behavior. Road rage is bad enough, but trail rage is intolerable.

I’m curious if this is common on commuter trails. Commuting on a bicycle is good. Being a jerk isn’t. Let’s keep trails as the one civil place left in this world.

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