Trail Jokes and Outdoor Humor

Trail Jokes for Outdoorsy Folks

Trail jokes? Really? Is there such a specialized niche in the humor world? We asked Ralph Lane, a very funny fellow and author of over a dozen joke books, to share his favorite outdoor humor and trail jokes with the Trailsnet gang. With such a specialized topic, Ralph warned us that some of the jokes might be real groaners. See what you think. Here are a dozen jokes about trails, paths, greenways, and cycleways:

  1. What do you call a trail to the insane asylum? A psycho-path.
  2. The park ranger was walking through a forest when he saw Monopoly, Scrabble and Balderdash walking  by. “This must be a game trail,” he said.
  3. What do you call a bike trail after a bunch of gross bicyclists keep blowing snot out of their nostrils? A greenway.
  4. Why do people love walking on greenways? Because it’s the path of least resistance!
  5. Why did the hiker cross the cycleway? To get to the other trail.
  6. Why do bicycles prefer cycleways over roads? Because they get to enjoy a smoother ride.
  7. Why did the bicycle fall over on the trail? Because it was two-tired.
  8. Why don’t bicycles ever tell jokes on the trail? Because they’re always wheely tire-d.
  9. Why do trees always make great trail guides? Because they always know the best root to take.
  10. Why did the pedestrian refuse to walk on the greenway? Because they were feeling blue.
  11. Why did the cyclist take a break on the cycleway? Because they were feeling peddled out.
  12. Why did the hiker get lost on the trail? Because they couldn’t see the forest for the trees.
Trail jokes and outdoor humor
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