Trailsnet has been your source for trail news and information since 2008. We provide information about hundreds of trails around the world including bike trails, hiking trails, backpacking trails, bikepacking trails, nordic ski trails, snowshoe trails, equestrian trails, long-distance trails and more. We also provide information about trail gear, trail organizations and trail advocacy. In addition to the website/blog, you can connect with us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest using the @trailsnet username. We welcome suggestions and questions. Feel free to add your own favorite trails using the 'Add a Trail' link on the top horizontal navigation bar. Happy trails and stay safe!!
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- Electric Bikes on Trails — 114 comments
- Trail Definition: What is a Trail? — 10 comments
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Author's posts
One of my favorite trails in New Hampshire is the Northern Rail Trail. It starts in Lebanon, NH and follows the Mascoma River through Grafton County to Danbury at the Merrimack County line. Some of the bridge crossings are absolutely gorgeous.I was there in early October and the fall foliage was just barely starting to …
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I just found an interesting website called Crazy Guy on a Bike. It features user-generated information about bike trips including information by category such as recumbent bike trips. I didn’t see anything specifically for rail-trails (multi-use).I checked out the daily log page (it wasn’t quite what I’d call a blog) of a guy who toured …
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Okay, here’s a little homework assignment for you. Don’t worry, it’s easy and doesn’t involve any math or writing, just talking. All you have to do is talk to people in your home town, or better yet, in a town you’re visiting. Ask them where X trail is located. The X in this equation represents …
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Sorry I haven’t been including a daily blog on the website. That is my future intention, but you know how that goes. I am currently making a list of future blogs and that will allow me to include a blog every day. I could really use your help. Let me know what blog topics are …
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