
Trailsnet has been your source for trail news and information since 2008. We provide information about hundreds of trails around the world including bike trails, hiking trails, backpacking trails, bikepacking trails, nordic ski trails, snowshoe trails, equestrian trails, long-distance trails and more. We also provide information about trail gear, trail organizations and trail advocacy. In addition to the website/blog, you can connect with us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest using the @trailsnet username. We welcome suggestions and questions. Feel free to add your own favorite trails using the 'Add a Trail' link on the top horizontal navigation bar. Happy trails and stay safe!!

Most commented posts

  1. Electric Bikes on Trails — 114 comments
  2. Trail Definition: What is a Trail? — 10 comments
  3. Recreational Trail Funding in Danger — 8 comments
  4. Great trail discussion on — 8 comments
  5. Why is it called a "Bike Scheme?" — 8 comments

Author's posts

Pannier Backpack Convertible

Pannier Backpack Convertible

Pannier on E-bike Pannier Backpack Convertible by Two Wheel Gear The folks at Two Wheel Gear have made my job easy. After spending a half hour with their Pannier Backpack Convertible I was blown away by all its amazing features. This awesome product speaks for itself. It is incredibly useful and incredibly well built. I wish I had a …

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Group Bike Ride Etiquette on Trails

Group Rides on Trails We’ve all seen the group rides on roads. It seems like there’s no rhyme, no reason & no rules. Cyclists riding double, triple & quadruple file spilling out into the road & completely ignoring the bike lane. But on trails, it’s essential that bicyclists heed the rules, both written & unwritten. …

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Homemade Backpacking Food & Trail Snacks

Trail snacks on Pinterest

Budget Trail Snacks & Outdoor Food We all love our trail snacks and it’s nice to splurge on pre-packaged freeze dried backpacking meals every now and then. Nothing’s better, at the end of a hard day on the trail, than a quick & easy meal of turkey tetrazzini or beef stroganoff. But it can get …

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C2 Performance Tights Product Review

leg warmers for active lifestyle

Stay Warm on the Trail This Spring It’s that time of year. At the beginning of your ride, hike or run, it’s freezing cold, and you want to bundle up to stay warm. But half-way into your activity, you’re becoming overheated and uncomfortable. Should you wear shorts and a t-shirt or full-length pants and a …

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Find Destination Trail Accommodations

screenshot of Trailsnet trail page

Trail Lodging Now Available on Trailsnet is one of the leading websites for finding destination trails and active travel vacation destinations. Now, in addition to pointing you to the best long-distance trails in the world, Trailsnet can also help you find trailside accommodations. We have partnered with to provide hotel, guest house and …

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Trail Advocacy and Involvement

Promote Trails by Getting Involved in Trail Advocacy According to numerous bumper stickers, SH*T HAPPENS. Unfortunately, trails don’t just happen. You must contact local regional, state & national representatives. You must serve on Boards. And, if possible, it would be ideal if you could volunteer to work on trails. But this trail blog post is …

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