
I am a lover of trails and a consummate traveler. In addition to sharing a network of trails on the internet via, I also host trail tours at Find out more about trail vehicles & personal transportation vehicles at

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  1. Electric Bikes on Trails — 114 comments
  2. Trail Definition: What is a Trail? — 10 comments
  3. Recreational Trail Funding in Danger — 8 comments
  4. Great trail discussion on — 8 comments
  5. Why is it called a "Bike Scheme?" — 8 comments

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PurifiCup Provides Safe & Sanitary Water on the Trail

Whether you’re riding bike on a rail-trail, hiking on mountain path, or backpacking through Europe, water is a necessity. But sometimes, carrying a big water purification system with all its tubes and filters and accessories can be a pain to pack and a hassle to set up.  So I was pleased for the recent opportunity to demo the PurifiCup …

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National Trails in England, Scotland & Wales

coastal path in southwest wales

British National Trails National Trails are long distance routes for walking, cycling and horse riding through the finest landscapes in England and Wales. In Scotland the equivalent trails are called long distance routes. Altogether, in England and Wales, there are about 2,500 miles (4,000km) of National Trail. They have all been created by linking existing local …

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China Footpath Both Scary and Marvelous

Chinese trail dangles on steep cliff

A 3Km (9483 ft) path doesn’t seem that long by western standards considering that the Great Allegheny Passage and the C & O Canal Trail combined are nearly 320 miles. But what China’s Shifou Mountain Footpath lacks in distance, it makes up for in height, engineering and awe-inspiring views. But don’t take my word for …

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Otago Central Rail Trail is Part of the New Zealand Cycle Trail

The New Zealand Cycle Trail is also called the Nga Haerenga and is actually a series of many  trails throughout New Zealand. In all, there  are 20 trails that comprise the New Zealand Cycle Track. The bike trails are in various stages of development: 4 are currently completely open and ready for bike riding from …

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Milford Track Trail. All the information you could want about Milford New Zealand

  Once described as the finest walk in the world, the Milford Track is one of New Zealand’s most popular walks, with approximately 14000 people completing the Milford track each year. This website aims to be a comprehensive information resource on the Milford Track, letting you have all in the information you need in one …

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Trikke Personal Transportation Vehicle & Trikke Trails

trikke carving vehicle

Trikke Carving Vehicles Trikke carving vehicles (Trikkes) are the brain-child of Gildo Bileski and may be the ultimate full-body workout for trail lovers. Trikkes are powered by a combination of leg, hip and arm power and are usually seen swaying down the trail in a back-and-forth motion like a trout swimming upstream. The tri- in …

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