Trailsnet has been your source for trail news and information since 2008. We provide information about hundreds of trails around the world including bike trails, hiking trails, backpacking trails, bikepacking trails, nordic ski trails, snowshoe trails, equestrian trails, long-distance trails and more. We also provide information about trail gear, trail organizations and trail advocacy. In addition to the website/blog, you can connect with us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest using the @trailsnet username. We welcome suggestions and questions. Feel free to add your own favorite trails using the 'Add a Trail' link on the top horizontal navigation bar. Happy trails and stay safe!!
Most commented posts
- Electric Bikes on Trails — 114 comments
- Trail Definition: What is a Trail? — 10 comments
- Recreational Trail Funding in Danger — 8 comments
- Great trail discussion on — 8 comments
- Why is it called a "Bike Scheme?" — 8 comments
Author's posts
Trailsnet nominated for top 100 Camping Blogs Trailsnet has been nominated once again for a blog award. This time, we have been chosen as one of the top 100 Camping Blogs and are eligible to win the #1 Camping Blog award.This is an especially big honor for us since our main focus is on trails …
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I would like to send a big thank you for those of you who are signed on to follow the trailsnet blog. I appreciate your support & following. Like the good trail leaders that we are, we’ll try to keepyou on track as we make the big switcheroo. Thanks foryour patience and persistence. I will …
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Those wonderful outdoor folks in Boulder, CO are at it again. The people at Boulder Mountain Bikes are creating an app called SmartTrails to help users locate & navigate bike trails. The app will not only help you find a trail but will provide updated trail conditions, trail descriptions, and trail ratings.There was a great …
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I finally found a road that I’d love to ride my bike on. Take a look at this video, and you’ll see why.
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Yes, government money should be used to build trails!! 100% of the people who responded to last month’s poll agreed that tax dollars should be used to pay for some or all of trail funding. Hopefully Oklahoma Senator Tom Coburn is paying attention to our poll. Recently, he said he would refuse to support transportation …
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Bikes patiently waiting to be rented in Aspen, CO. “Progress should have stopped when man invented the bicycle.” – Elizabeth West
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