
Trailsnet has been your source for trail news and information since 2008. We provide information about hundreds of trails around the world including bike trails, hiking trails, backpacking trails, bikepacking trails, nordic ski trails, snowshoe trails, equestrian trails, long-distance trails and more. We also provide information about trail gear, trail organizations and trail advocacy. In addition to the website/blog, you can connect with us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest using the @trailsnet username. We welcome suggestions and questions. Feel free to add your own favorite trails using the 'Add a Trail' link on the top horizontal navigation bar. Happy trails and stay safe!!

Most commented posts

  1. Electric Bikes on Trails — 114 comments
  2. Trail Definition: What is a Trail? — 10 comments
  3. Recreational Trail Funding in Danger — 8 comments
  4. Great trail discussion on — 8 comments
  5. Why is it called a "Bike Scheme?" — 8 comments

Author's posts

Trail calendar available online

Find a new trail buddy Are you looking for a local hiking partner or someone to join you for a bike trip on the Great Allegheny Passage Trail in Pennsylvania?  Then, is the website you’ve been waiting for. It’s awesome for a number of reasons: It allows you to discover trail events and …

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Two new trail guides posted on trailsnet and Everytrail

Bike riding season is here and I’ve just posted trail guides for two great California bike trail. Follow these links for bike trail information on your computer and on your smart phone: Huntington Beach Bikeway (Trail) in Southern California Santa Ana River Trail on trailsnet.comSanta Ana River Trail guide on Huntington Beach Trail on …

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Happy Earth Day!! In the words of Queen, “Get on your bikes and ride.” We want to send a big thanks and congratulations to all the students out there who participated in the “Ride to School Day.” It was a bit windy here on the Front Range of Colorado, but I still saw plenty of …

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Santa Ana River Trail in California: a trail for all seasons

When you’re getting sick of the cold weather in your neck of the woods, it’s time to head to southern California for a bike ride on the Santa Ana River Trail. the Santa Ana River Trail Oh sure, you may visit Disneyland, Hollywood, and the beaches. But while you’re in the Los Angeles area, you’ve …

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Life’s a beach, and then you ride.

Holy moly, that’s some nice biking!! The Huntington Beach Trail in California, may be the premier beach trail (dare I say it?) in the world. Huntington Beach Trail in Newport Beach, California It’s got it all: beautiful beaches a wonderful bike path awesome people watching opportunities great rentals of alternative trail vehicles (Check out the …

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rail-trails for sale?

How much are our trails worth to you? Times are tough, money is tight. We read the headlines every day. Funding will be reduced in an effort to reduce our nation’s debt/deficit. As much as we’d like to believe that our precious trails will be exempt from the fiscal guillotine, that probably won’t be the …

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