
Trailsnet has been your source for trail news and information since 2008. We provide information about hundreds of trails around the world including bike trails, hiking trails, backpacking trails, bikepacking trails, nordic ski trails, snowshoe trails, equestrian trails, long-distance trails and more. We also provide information about trail gear, trail organizations and trail advocacy. In addition to the website/blog, you can connect with us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest using the @trailsnet username. We welcome suggestions and questions. Feel free to add your own favorite trails using the 'Add a Trail' link on the top horizontal navigation bar. Happy trails and stay safe!!

Most commented posts

  1. Electric Bikes on Trails — 114 comments
  2. Trail Definition: What is a Trail? — 10 comments
  3. Recreational Trail Funding in Danger — 8 comments
  4. Great trail discussion on — 8 comments
  5. Why is it called a "Bike Scheme?" — 8 comments

Author's posts

Water trails suggested for trailsnet.

“How about adding water trails?” That was a suggestion I just received from Archie in South Carolina regarding the trailsnet website. And it’s an excellent point. When I first began compiling information for the trailsnet website, my intention was to include every possible type of trail. So I collected information about mountain bike trails, rail …

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trailsnet wins its third award in a little over a year

Just a couple days ago trailsnet announced its nomination for the “Stylish Blogger Award.” trailsnet wins another internet award Today, American Trails announced that trailsnet won the award for the best “Personal Site” (relating to trails) on the internet. No, these awards don’t involve red carpets, acceptance speeches, or limo rides. But they’re pretty darned …

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Federal Budget Deficit Calculator; Select Proposals to Balance Deficit – AARP Bulletin

I just balanced the federal deficit without cutting a penny from trail funding; and it was easier than I thought it would be. Now it’s your turn to give it a try. Click on the link below and try balancing the budget. It’s really quite enjoyable and enlightening. Federal Budget Deficit Calculator; Select Proposals to …

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Hit the trail with a Trikke for a great workout.

In addition to bikes, I enjoy our great trails as a hiker, inline skater, equestrian, and runner. Within the past year, I have also begun riding a Trikke on some of my trail travels. Not only is the Trikke a lot of fun, but it’s also a great, full-body workout. The images below show some …

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What country has the best biking trails?

Bike trails are awesome and travel is one of the world’s most popular pastimes. More and more people are beginning to combine their passions of bike riding and travel into the growing market of active travel. Where in the world can you findthe best bike trails? After all, what’s not to love about: staying fit …

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Trailsnet Nominated for Stylish Blogger Award

Woohoo!! Trailsnet has just been nominated for its second award. (Last year trailsnet received an award on the American Trails website.) I am pleased and proud to say that Australian blogger KirstyGirl7, the recent recipient of the Stylish Blogger award, nominated trailsnet & seven other blogs to receive the torch she has passed along. Kirsty …

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