Category: bike-friendly cities


trailsnet     There are times when taking a walk w/ your children/spouse/friend should take precedence over cleaning your home or checking email.

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Bike-Friendly Cities

A couple months ago, I hosted a survey about which U.S. city was the best city for bicycling. I didn’t get much of a response. I think one possibility for the apathy is that many people  do not equate “trails” w/ “cities.” There’s an attitude that trails have to be out in the country to …

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Congratulations to Bike-Friendly cities

National Geographic Traveler recently released its 2010 list of Bike Friendly Cities.Congratulations to Portland (no surprise), New York (real surprise), Chicago (surprise for some people), San Diego, San Francisco, Montreal, Washington D.C. (I couldn’t agree more), and Tucson (sorry, but I have to disagree unless their only criteria for inclusion is road-biking).I am glad to …

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