Category: recumbent blog

No excuse for poor trail infrastructure

Why can the Netherlands support such an incredible biking infrastructure and we (US, UK, Canada, etc. ) can’t? In the latest blog post from David Hembrow (A view from the cycle path: All those myths and excuses…), he doesn’t necessarily answer that question, but he makes the point that it’s time to stop making excuses …

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If bikes were cars

Thanks to Rob at the Recumbent Blog for sharing this video.

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Blogging Community Discusses Bike Transportation Issues

Lyon, France bicycle data To bike, or not to bike; that is the question. Whether tis nobler to suffer the slings and arrows of errant drivers or… Okay, enough w/ the bad Shakespeare. I’m loving the current dialogue that is happening in the blogosphere regarding the role of bicycling in the overall transportation infrastructure. It …

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