Biking Colorado

I just finished biking the Glenwood Canyon Trail (16 miles each way) on Friday and the Rio Grande Trail (42 miles) today. They were both awesome but completely different.

The Glenwood Canyon Trail followed the Colorado River and I-70 through Glenwood Canyon from Glenwood Springs to Dotsero, Colorado. It was all concrete, very smooth and a gradual but steady climb going east. It had quite a bit of shade as it actually dove under the highway in numerous spots. I’m not just talking tunnels that intersect the highway, but it actually ran parallel underneath the highway in spots. Also being in a canyon and beside a river helped, but it still got hot. You’ll definitely want to take lots of water even though there is a good water fountain at the Hanging Lake rest stop.

The Rio Grande Trail followed the Roaring Fork River from Glenwood Springs, CO to Aspen. It was 42 miles of varying trail. It was mostly asphalt, but had about 10 – 11 miles of gravel. Despite going through a  populated area, there were few water stops, so once again, come prepared w/ lots of water. As you get closer to Aspen, there are plenty of beautiful views to see. They included a secluded canyon, scenic river crossings, gorgeous houses w/ ample landscaping, and even an art museum just as you enter Aspen.

I highly recommend these trails. If you are coming from Denver or anywhere else near the Zephyr Railroad line, I recommend getting to Glenwood Springs on the Amtrak train. It’s quite an experience, but don’t expect it to be on time. It rarely is. Our train was 10 hours late.

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Rio Grande Trail

My next blogs will be about the Rio Grande Trail and the Glenwood Canyon Trail.

Stay tuned for more information about biking & riding a Segway on those two trails.

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Bike-Friendly Cities

A couple months ago, I hosted a survey about which U.S. city was the best city for bicycling.

I didn’t get much of a response. I think one possibility for the apathy is that many people  do not equate “trails” w/ “cities.” There’s an attitude that trails have to be out in the country to be tranquil and scenic.

I’ll admit, I used to think that way too. But it ain’t so, my friends!!

Some of my favorite biking trails go through urban as well as rural areas.

I’m not alone in this assessment. National Geographic Traveler magazine published an article called “Great Bike-Friendly Cities.” In that article, the following cities rated high for their bicycle culture and environment. Some of the cities that rated high included:

Mt. Vernon Bike Trail w/ the Washington
D. C. monuments in the background.
  • Portland, OR
  • New York
  • Chicago
  • San Diego
  • San Francisco
  • Montreal
  • Washington D.C.
Some of those cities may have surprised you, but they owe their place on the list to recent improvements in bicycle trails, bike lanes, and general biking accessibility, safety, and promotion.

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Segways on the Trail

When I  headed for Glenwood Springs, CO, I had no idea I would discover a whole new mode of trail transportation. All of my previous trail website entries, Twitter tweets, blog posts, and Facebook information covered biking, hiking, inline skating, trail running, and horseback riding. I just assumed this covered it all. With the exception of variations such as recumbent bikes and tandem bikes, I figured I would continue to add posts that covered only the five activities listed above.

But after a beautiful Amtrak train ride to Glenwood Springs, and a brief bike ride on the Rio Grande Trail, I discovered a new form of trail transportation.

We rented Segways from Glenwood Adventure in Glenwood Springs. Then, for two hours, all five of us explored the Glenwood Canyon Trail on these amazing gyroscopic conveyances.

Everyone agreed that the Segway adventure was the highlight of the weekend. And it was a truly magical Father’s Day weekend. We had a nice train ride, enjoyed Glenwood’s Strawberry Days festivities, swam in the Glenwood Hot Springs, and enjoyed some fine meals.

But as I said, the Segway outing was the highlight of a great weekend. If you’re lucky enough to find a place to rent Segways, check to make sure they are legal on the trail you choose. Not all trails allow Segways since they are considered “motorized transportation.”

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Amtrak Train delayed by over 8 hours

Train.pngWe were scheduled to leave Denver @ 8:05 am to take an Amtrak train to Glenwood Springs. It has now been moved back to 4:00 pm.

I was hoping to ride the Rio Grande Trail on Sunday.


How come trains are scheduled to the minute in Europe and are always on time and U.S. trains are notoriously and horrendously late?

Five of us planned a fun weekend enjoying the strawberry festival, riding bikes, and soaking in the hot springs. Now are plans will have to be drastically altered.

My first disappointment was when I found out Amtrak (on the Chicago to California route anyway) doesn’t transport bikes (w/out a big hassle & extra $). Now the late train. How much do you want a bet they won’t be willing to refund our fare?

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Inline Skating Trails

Okay, we’ve discussed biking trails & hiking trails lately. Now it’s time to give equal time to inline skating trails.

Over half the trails listed on can be used as inline skate trails. If you are planning a trip to Florida, another great site for finding rollerblade trails is, believe it or not, the Southwest Florida Water Management site. Some of the links on the “Inline Skating” page include “urban getaway,” “Cypress Creek Preserve,” and “Jay B. Starkey Wilderness Park.”

Speaking of great Florida inline skating trails, one of my favorites is the Withlacoochee State Trail in Central Florida. Another favorite non-Florida trail is the Trail of the Couer d’ alenes in Norhern Idaho.

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