I just found an interesting website called Crazy Guy on a Bike. It features user-generated information about bike trips including information by category such as recumbent bike trips. I didn’t see anything specifically for rail-trails (multi-use).
I checked out the daily log page (it wasn’t quite what I’d call a blog) of a guy who toured the perimeter of Britannia on a recumbent bike. It was a fascinating trip and he was an excellent photographer.
If you’ve found any great trail/bike websites, let me know.
Feb 13 2010
Crazy Guy on a Bike
Permanent link to this article: https://trailsnet.com/2010/02/13/crazy-guy-on-a-bike/
Feb 12 2010
Clueless in trailtown
Okay, here’s a little homework assignment for you. Don’t worry, it’s easy and doesn’t involve any math or writing, just talking. All you have to do is talk to people in your home town, or better yet, in a town you’re visiting. Ask them where X trail is located. The X in this equation represents the name of a fairly major trail in the town. (Okay, so the assignment involves a little algebra.)
Here’s what I/you want to find out. How many people do or don’t know the trail exists. You may be surprised to find out that most people, even long time residents, have no idea where the world class trails in their own community are located. The only thing I can think of that is worse than that is if they don’t know where the library is.
In my many “trail travels”I’m amazed how hard it is to find trails. For those of you looking for the trails found on trailsnet.com, it’s easy. You just look at the trail map on the bottom of each trail description page. For example, take a look at the trail map on the bottom of the Mineral Belt Loop bike trail information page. (a rail-trail in Leadville, Colorado)
But on most of my bike trips, I have to rely on directions from locals to find the trails. And more times than not, “the locals” have no idea where the major trails that run through their towns are located. For example, when I was looking for the Ashuelot Rail Trail near Keene, New Hampshire, I asked over a dozen people where the trail/trailhead was. Not one of them could tell me. Four of the people I asked were within a block of the trailhead when I asked them. Not a clue. And in the same town, absolutely no one knew where the Cheshire Rail Trail was located. Granted this one starts about a half mile out of town, but the Ashuelot Rail Trail started in the center of town.
So back to your homework: Let me know what you find out. Are the people in your town aware of the wonderful trails available to them? If not, it’s a shame.
Permanent link to this article: https://trailsnet.com/2010/02/12/clueless-in-trailtown/
Feb 11 2010
apology for missing blogs
Sorry I haven’t been including a daily blog on the website. That is my future intention, but you know how that goes. I am currently making a list of future blogs and that will allow me to include a blog every day. I could really use your help. Let me know what blog topics are of interest to you: specific trail information, recumbent bike group information, rail-trail history, trail updates, health benefits of active travel, environmental benefits of bicycle travel, vacation destinations, rental bike shop reviews, lodging information, camping ideas…
Let me know what you want to read about.
Permanent link to this article: https://trailsnet.com/2010/02/11/apology-for-missing-blogs/