Rail Trails: Top Ten

The folks at Adventure Cycling have come up with their list of favorite rail-trails, & I’d say they’ve compiled a great one. Here are their ten best trails, in no particular order:

1. George S. Mickelson Trail, South Dakota; length: 109 miles.

2. Great Allegheny Passage, Maryland-Pennsylvania; length: 141 miles.

3. Trail of the Coeur d’Alenes, Idaho; length: 72 miles.

trail sign for Alabama's Chief Ladiga Trail

Alabama's Chief Ladiga Trail

4. Katy Trail State Park, Missouri; length: 238 miles.

5. Paul Bunyan State Trail, Minnesota; length: 111 miles.

6. Raccoon River Valley Trail, Iowa; length: 56 miles.

7. Iron Horse State Park, Washington; length: 100+ miles.

8. Chief Ladiga Trail, Alabama; length: 33 miles.

9. Elroy-Sparta State Trail, Wisconsin; length: 32 miles.

10. Bizz Johnson National Recreation Trail, California; length: 25 miles.

Thanks to Adventure Cycling for including that list. Check out their page & let them know what you think or leave a comment below with your favorite rail-trail experiences.

Permanent link to this article: https://trailsnet.com/2011/12/20/rail-trails-top-ten/

Trailsnet May Get a New Logo With Your Input

Trailsnet is looking for a new logo, & we need your help deciding. Please choose your favorite trailsnet logo below by checking the box that corresponds to your favorite choice. Pay no attention to the words that accompany each logo, because those will change to trailsnet.com & our spiffy “… network of trails…” slogan. After you have cast your (up to 3) choice(s), don’t forget to hit the “vote” button, leave a comment (where it says “Leave comment” at the bottom of the post, & then visit OnTheMoveTours & ActiveTravelTours to vote for a logo for each of those websites also. Thanks for your input!!

Permanent link to this article: https://trailsnet.com/2011/12/17/trailsnet-may-get-a-new-logo-with-your-input/

Reasons to Ride a Bike

family enjoying a bike ride

Biking is for families… & everyone else.

Bike Rides Save Lives…

Or at least make them a whole lot better.  (-:

I have shared a link to a “Some more reasons to ride a bike” web page. That is toward the bottom of this post. But here is my summary list, slightly paraphrased so that I can name it… wait for it…

The Five F’s of Bike Riding +2

  • fun
  • fitness
  • freedom
  • financial
  • family
  • fresh air &
  • (the) frickin’ environment

Okay, that was fun; now here’s the full scoop on “… more reasons to ride a bicycle”  courtesy of Florida Biking.

Permanent link to this article: https://trailsnet.com/2011/12/16/reasons-to-ride-a-bike/

Electric Bikes on Trails

Electric Bicycles on Trails

Are electric bicycles legal on trails? It’s a good question and one that varies greatly by country, state, & trail. Before we get into the electric bikes on trails debate, let’s start w/ an overview of the:

picture of electric bikes on trails

Electric Bike on Trail

Federal Electric Bicycle Regulations (not just for trails)

  • an electrically driven bicycle is considered a bicycle
  • electric cycle must have less than 750 watt motor
  • must have functional pedals
  • maximum speed of 20 mph
  • Federal Law shall supersede State Law
By the way, you may also want to visit the Electric Bikes on Trails Update.

What About Electric Bikes on Trails?

But these regulations don’t really seem to address the issue of electric bikes on trails, especially since they specifically refer to operation  “on a paved level surface.” So what about a gravel trail that is not perfectly level?

And what about such vehicles as hybrid Trikkes? These are power-assisted, meet most of the requirements for power level & speed; but they don’t have pedals.

Thanks to Paul Wiegman for providing us with this American Trails link that provides Department of Justice requirements for the use of Other Power Driven Mobility Devices or OPDMD on trails. The article gives a clear definition of OPDMDs and begins to clarify the rules regarding their use on trails. It is written with trail administrators in mind and provides information regarding how those trail administrators can prepare for compliance with ADA and Department of Justice guidelines, rules and regulations.

Comments about Electric Bikes, Pedal Assisted Bikes & Pon-e Trikkes

So what has been your experience? What do you think. Should electric bikes be allowed on trails? Would you like to use an electric bicycle, Trikke, recumbent, or scooter on some or all trails? Please leave a comment (no email por favor) below.




Permanent link to this article: https://trailsnet.com/2011/12/12/electric-bikes-on-trails/

Winter Snowshoe Trails

Trails are to Boulder, Colorado what beaches are to Honolulu, Hawaii. Ubiquitous, popular, and greatly enjoyed. But there is one major difference that can be summarized in one word: winter.

Snowshoers pose for picture.

Snowshoers near Brainard Lake, Colorado

In Hawaii, winter means a couple degrees cooler with water temperatures that are a bit less comfortable but still inviting. But in Colorado, winter means sub-freezing temperatures and periods of snow. So does that mean that people stop enjoying the trails?

You know the answer to that! Of course they don’t; they just enjoy them in a different way. The two most obvious ways include snowshoeing and nordic (cross-country) skiing. In fact, many mountain-dwellers look forward to the cold and snow as a way to add variety to their favorite trails. Nothing says tranquility like a snow-softened landscape.

Another benefit of the winter season is reduced trail traffic. Yes people still use the trails, but not nearly as often. So even the popular pathways like the Brainard Lake Trail offer a much greater degree of solitude than the same trail in the summer months. Even on the busiest days, there are spaces available at the trailhead and stretches of solitude on the trail.

I’d love to hear your opinions and experiences with winter trails. Love them? Hate them? Prefer Munro Trail on Lanai, Hawaii to Kootenai River Trail in Libby, Montana? Leave a comment at the beep.


Permanent link to this article: https://trailsnet.com/2011/12/10/winter-snowshoe-trails/

Mickelson Trail Trek Tour 2012

Enjoy an epic bicycle tour in the shadow of Mount Rushmore as you journey through tunnels and over bridges situated along the historic Mickelson Trail in the Black Hills of South Dakota. 

trail tunnel on the Mickelson Trail in South Dakota

trail tunnel on the Mickelson Trail in South Dakota (photo courtesy of Heather Enos)

View South Dakota’s Black Hills from a completely new perspective as you enjoy this three day bike tour along the 109 mile Mickelson Bike Trail. We will ride the trail in three different segments with a shuttle provided so you will only be riding each trail segment one-way.  This is by far our smallest group tour with only five participants.

To view the complete details of the Mickelson Trail Trek Tour, visit this OnTheMoveTours page.

Permanent link to this article: https://trailsnet.com/2011/12/04/mickelson-trail-trek-tour-2012/