Trails with a Surface of asphalt

London Parks Walking and Bike Trails

Mile for mile, you probably can’t find any trails, worldwide, that pack more history, scenery and people-watching as the trails in these three London (mostly Westminster, actually) parks. Hyde Park, Green Park & St. James Park serve as an oasis in the middle of a vibrant and bustling urban atmosphere. For more information about these …

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Frisco Highline Trail

This trail meanders through Missouri farm country along an abandoned railroad corridor. The 8-mile section from Springfield to the north end of Willard is paved. Continuing north toward Walnut Grove the trail is crushed gravel. A 3-mile paved section in Bolivar includes a trailhead facility. This trail features 16 bridge crossings and only one significant road crossing …

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Burnham Greenway

Burnham Trail near Chicago Illinois

This trail runs along a former railroad corridor that ran between Lansing, IL and Chicago. Currently, the trail has two completely segments that are not connected. Only the northern section is being described here. This trail ends (if you are traveling south to north) near Lake Michigan and Calumet Park although it is not directly …

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The Florida National Scenic Trail

The Florida National Scenic Trail is a congressionally designated National Scenic Trail. It is approximately 1,300-miles long and is intended to offer a continuous, permanent non-motorized recreation opportunity for hiking and other compatible activities. Over its length, it showcases the incredible biodiversity, history, and rich culture of Florida. The Florida Trail begins on the edge …

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Sajikigatake (Mt Sajiki).

Japan hiking trails

   The first part of your hike would be along a sealed, narrow lane. Then, once you arrive at your track, it is then unsealed, dirt with some roack to clamber over. The track is moderately steep so, if you are heading to Mt Sajiki, don’t push the pace. As most hiking areas throughout Japan …

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Nara Mahoroba Cycle Ring

     Before you continue, check this link out –  Now, if this doesn’t convince you to place Nara on your “Must See” list when planning your Japan vacation, maybe what I am about to tell you will.   The majority of sights in Nara are an easy stroll from the CBD or both J.R. …

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