Trails with a Surface of dirt

Frisco Highline Trail

This trail meanders through Missouri farm country along an abandoned railroad corridor. The 8-mile section from Springfield to the north end of Willard is paved. Continuing north toward Walnut Grove the trail is crushed gravel. A 3-mile paved section in Bolivar includes a trailhead facility. This trail features 16 bridge crossings and only one significant road crossing …

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The Florida National Scenic Trail

The Florida National Scenic Trail is a congressionally designated National Scenic Trail. It is approximately 1,300-miles long and is intended to offer a continuous, permanent non-motorized recreation opportunity for hiking and other compatible activities. Over its length, it showcases the incredible biodiversity, history, and rich culture of Florida. The Florida Trail begins on the edge …

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Sajikigatake (Mt Sajiki).

Japan hiking trails

   The first part of your hike would be along a sealed, narrow lane. Then, once you arrive at your track, it is then unsealed, dirt with some roack to clamber over. The track is moderately steep so, if you are heading to Mt Sajiki, don’t push the pace. As most hiking areas throughout Japan …

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Ikoma-sanke Hiking Course near Osaka City

  The trail is a mixture of different surfaces – sealed and unsealed – and, once you have completed the initial climb to the ridge-line, the track then undulates.  As you can see in my attached links, the 39km track is next-to-improbable to complete in one day, unless you attempt it about the longest day …

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Bayou Point Mountain Bike Trail

While Bayou Point does not offer camping, just a half mile away at the South Abutment are many primitive and RV campsites available. • Phone 1 662.562.6261 • Status of Trail- Open Year Round • Length of Trail -5.6 miles • Width of Trail – 10 feet • Difficulty Level – Easy-Moderate • Trail Surface …

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Davis Creek Trail

This is an easy trail to start on in the Charleston WV area.  It is approximately three miles out and back.  Park at the Range Road parking lot just to the left of the entrance to Kanawha State Forest.  Walk west from the parking lot through a large field and up into the forest.  The …

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