Little Thompson Overlook Trail

It's a rocky trail but a fun trail.
This trail is part of the Rabbit Mountain Trail System east of Lyons, Colorado. Although this particular trail is only a mile long, when combined with the Eagle Wind Loop Trail and the Indian Mesa Trail, it makes for a pretty good workout.
Beware, this trail can be deceptively difficult. In addition to a pretty rigorous grade of ascent, it has a constant supply of loose rocks. If you are an experienced mountain biker, it shouldn’t be too much of a problem for you. If you are a beginner, you will probably spend a lot of time off your bike. For the rest of us, this trail is a challenge but a very fun challenge. It has some nice views on the way up and overlooks a beautiful canyon at the very end.
As with most trails, you’ll want to avoid this trail if it’s wet… both for your sake and the trail’s sake. I would save this trail for after you ride the Eagle Wind (loop) trail.
Trail Map
Suggested Lodging
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