Stowe Recreation Path

This paved, 5.5 mile path starts in the center of the Village of Stowe, VT and meanders towards Mount Mansfield. The path runs next to the West Branch River and Mountain Road (Route 100).  The path is used by walkers, bicyclists, runners, Trikke riders and rollerbladers in the warm months, and cross-country skiers and snowshoers in the snowy season.

The path has 10 wooden bridges over the river at various places.

There are benches along the way to stop and rest and enjoy the mountain views, or the river.  Some places have access to the river for wading or relaxing.  There are also several access points to local businesses.

Trail Map,+VT&hl=en&ll=44.468061,-72.68604&spn=0.008759,0.017724&sll=44.467234,-72.683959&sspn=0.00438,0.008862&oq=stowe&t=h&hnear=Stowe,+Lamoille,+Vermont&z=16

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