This multi-season trail is paved and makes a great trail for hiking and bike riding. Certain stretches of the Olympic Discovery Trail are also wonderful for tandem bikes, recumbents, stand-up vehicles and equestrians. It runs through three medium-to-large sized towns, so offers plenty of opportunities to find food. It runs fairly close to a large …
Trails with a Trail Type of rail-trail
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Daibutsu Railway Trail
This course follows the route the old Daibutsu Railway took. Commencing at the town of Kamo, this course is made-up of two parts – rural & suburban. It takes you past some of the relics of a bygone era. The line commenced service in 1898 and was closed in 1907, when a new line was …
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Stratford Greenway
England is the greatest country in the world for hiking. But bicycling in the U.K. can be less than family friendly. The roads are narrow and obviously they forgot to include a citizen’s (or Baron’s) right to bicycle safely in the Magna Carta because bike lanes are non-existent and bike paths are nearly non-existent. Fortunately …
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Deckers Creek Rail Trail
Decker’s Creek Rail Trail gains 1000 feet from Morgantown WV to Reedsville WV. Since this is spread over 17 miles, it means you pedal, but not very hard. Then coming down is a gentle coast downhill that is so worth the uphill effort. I had the feeling of my bike going on it’s own, but …
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Frisco Highline Trail
This trail meanders through Missouri farm country along an abandoned railroad corridor. The 8-mile section from Springfield to the north end of Willard is paved. Continuing north toward Walnut Grove the trail is crushed gravel. A 3-mile paved section in Bolivar includes a trailhead facility. This trail features 16 bridge crossings and only one significant road crossing …
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Burnham Greenway
This trail runs along a former railroad corridor that ran between Lansing, IL and Chicago. Currently, the trail has two completely segments that are not connected. Only the northern section is being described here. This trail ends (if you are traveling south to north) near Lake Michigan and Calumet Park although it is not directly …
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