The Eisack Valley Bike Path, also known as the “Eisacktal Radweg” in German, is a beautiful cycling route that runs through the stunning South Tyrolean landscape in Austria. This bike path follows the course of the Eisack River, which flows from the Dolomites to the city of Bolzano. The bike path starts in the town …
Trails with a Use of cruiser
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Governors Island Bike Trail
Leave the New York City traffic behind and visit historic Governors Island with its bike paths, walking trails, gardens, hammocks and even a couple restaurants. You will be surprised at the gorgeous views of Manhattan, Brooklyn and the Statue of Liberty. If you want to ride a bike around the island, you’ll find a couple …
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Central Park Full Loop Bike Trail
It goes without saying that a trip to New York City is incomplete without a visit to Central Park. But most people don’t realize that the best way to see Central Park is via the great full loop bike path that circumnavigates the park. It is an especially efficient way to get a broad overview …
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East River Greenway
Although this trail seems to perpetually be under construction of one form or another, it falls into the category of “a trail with great potential.” It is one of the many wonderful bike routes in Manhattan that is theoretically car-free. Unfortunately, all of the constant detours distract from this laudable goal of being a safe …
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Hudson Valley Rail Trail
The Hudson Valley Rail Trail is ideal for human-powered vehicles of all types. It’s a great way to see fall colors and easily accessible from New York City via Amtrak to Poughkeepsie. One suggested route for enjoying this trail is to take an Ulster County bus from the Poughkeepsie train station to New Paltz. Most …
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Peaks to Plains Trail – Clear Creek Segment
Clear Creek Trail Segment Although the Clear Creek segment of the Peaks to Plains Trail is currently only about two miles long, this segment should soon be four miles long. It is a beautifully designed concrete trail that runs right beside Clear Creek and parallel to Highway 6 that runs from Golden, Colorado up to …
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