Great Allegheny Passage Business Network

It’s nice that we have non-profits like the Rails-to-Trails Conservancy.
It’s vital that we get a certain level of government support for building trails.
It’s important that individuals just like you and me get involved in the purchase and preservation of trail lands.

But it’s also essential that we get help from businesses from the mom & pop grocery store all the way up to the mega corporations. And it seems like that’s one of the goals of the Great Allegheny Passage Sustainable Business Network. It’s like a group of businesses banding together to support a local trail.

Great Allegheny Passage trail

It makes perfect sense. The GAP trail is good for business and business is good for the GAP trail. The trail brings customers to bed & breakfasts, hotels, stores, restaurants, bike shops, and so on. And when those businesses band together to support the trail, it’s a perfect symbiotic relationship.

I hope to see other great rail trails adopt this same model of support, encouragement, and cooperation. It’s good for trails and the people who use them.

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