Bike Sharing is Growing at a Phenomenal Rate

It seems like bike-sharing just started yesterday, and all of a sudden, it is all over and being used with great

frequency. Some place like Dublin, Ireland and Paris, France seem to be especially smitten w/ the bike share program.
When I looked at the Google/Bike-Share map (link & graphic on left), I was pleased to see that the United States has also caught bike-share fever. The numbers at the U.S. facilities aren’t quite as impressive as those in most European locations, but I’m sure our relatively low prices for gas have something to do with that. In addition, the U.S. doesn’t have quite the bicycle culture as they do in Europe. Hopefully, that’s very gradually changing.
If you get a chance, check out the bike-sharing blog. Join me in a pledge to try out one of your local bike-share stations. I’ve talked to the folks at the Denver & Washington D.C. bike-sharing programs, but as of yet, I haven’t given them a spin. It’s on my to-do list for this coming spring or summer.

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    • JOHN on 01/03/2011 at
    • Reply

    Our local college .. Roanoke college.. started this year allowing a fleet of bikes to be keep at the college Library and checked out a weeek at a time.

    • trailsnet on 01/04/2011 at
    • Reply

    I love to hear about local entities making bikes available for rent or loan to the public, John. That's why I'm enthused about the new Velolet program that even allows private, non-business citizens to rent their bikes out those in need.
    As I travel the U.S. riding trails, I much prefer to rent a bike from somewhere near the trail than going through the hassle & expense of shipping my bike to the trail.
    Mississippi's SMU also rents bikes on campus for those wishing to ride the scenic Longleaf Trace trail. I believe the rental shop is run by a private business even though it's on campus.

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