Ski Trails are Trails Too

trailsnet sticker at Snow Basin

trailsnet goes skiing

Trailsnet covers many kinds of trails including mountain bike trails, rail trails, hiking trails, and snowshoe trails. But, other than cross-country ski trails, we haven’t really talked much about ski trails.

After spending a week skiing in Utah, I’m wondering if we shouldn’t reconsider that policy? First, let me correct myself. I wasn’t skiing in Utah, I was Skkiing in Utah. There’s a big difference. As has often been reported on this website, trailsnet is hugely supportive of alternative personal transportation vehicles. In keeping with that tradition, yours truly spent a week trying out the Trikke Skki on the slopes of Snow Basin.

It was absolutely incredible. It is wonderful for beginners, yet still a blast for experienced skiers and snowboarders. And as an added bonus, it allows users to wear their normal, comfortable boots rather than heavy, clunky ski boots. Since no poles, special boots, or bindings are required, the Skki, by Trikke, is comparably priced to a ski package.

You can check out a quick video and some pictures of the 2012 Skki Inn on my Facebook page or at the Trikke website. Please let me know, in the comments below, whether or not we should include ski trails in the trailsnet trail list.

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    • Ross-Barry Finlayson on 01/31/2012 at
    • Reply

    Thanks for the post Kevin. I was about to remark on your skkiing, i.e. your spelling. But, thanks to this post, I now realize the word was spelt correctly.All going well tomorrow I hope to get-out in amongst the snow on my bike.

  1. Yep, Skki w/ the extra k is even more fun than regular skiing. You’ll have to try it sometime, Barry. In the meantime, have fun on your bike.

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