Tips to Getting Fit for Even the Most Experienced Couch Potatoes

Trailsnet is always encouraging you to get out on the trails for a bike ride, run, Trikke ride, inline skate or hike. But what if you don’t feel as if you are physically fit enough to hit the trail. Here are some tips from our guest blogger Lori.

Tips to Getting Fit for Even the Most Experienced Couch Potatoes

If you’re a couch potato, chances are you’re tired of hearing all the weight loss gurus telling you what you’re doing wrong. How are you supposed to gain inspiration from an overly tanned, energetic ball of muscle? Those people obviously don’t understand what it feels like to be you. The bad part about going from an overweight, lethargic state to getting in shape is that, at your current state, you have close to no energy or motivation to do anything about it. However, here are some tips to help even the most seasoned couch potatoes to get up off their butts and get fit and fab!

Start Slow

Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither was a six pack of abs. If you’re most recent physical activity involved reaching for the remote, don’t attempt to overdo it in an effort to get fit. The only thing this will accomplish is a sore body and an “I’m never doing that again” attitude. Start really slow and small. Rather than going for a mile-long bone jarring jog, try going for a leisurely walk.

Change Your Routine

Even the most seasoned couch potatoes have to do things like grocery shop and go to work. If you do these things, there are little changes you can make to your routine that will add some physical activity to your day without you even noticing. Park far away from the building, so that you will walk farther to get to where you’re going. Choose the stairs instead of the elevator. If you’re going to the fifteenth floor, maybe take the stairs for three or four flights and the elevator the rest of the way. After a week or two, try taking the stairs for five or six flights.

Ditch the Dread

If you dread your exercise and think of it as a chore, you will find any excuse you can to avoid doing it. Make your exercise routine fun and appropriate for your current physical state. If you do this, you will find yourself looking forward to exercising, rather than dreading it altogether.

Don’t Fool Yourself

Often times, people convince themselves that it’s too late to make a change in their life. If you’ve been overweight and out of shape for a decade, there’s no better time than now to fix that. It’s never too late to change the state of your health. In fact, there’s no better time than the present. Think about it. In a year, you’ll wish you had started today.

There is a Routine for You

Don’t be fooled by exercise fanatics. It is perfectly possible to get into shape and stay that way without spending every waking moment at the gym and spending thousands of dollars on protein shakes and weight loss supplements.

Good, old fashioned physical activity and a healthy mindset is all you need. Make small changes to your diet and incorporate some healthy foods. Make minimal changes to your everyday routine and take some time out to get physical. That’s all it takes. Before you know it, the pounds will drop off and you’ll feel better than ever!

Lori Alfreds enjoys writing about fitness, exercise, and health insurance quotes.

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    • Roxanne on 09/06/2012 at
    • Reply

    Awesome. Article, well said,it taken. One day. At time, just getting you sport gear. Together. And telling yourself, you going get the body uncontrolled and couch potatoes. Be first step..Good Luck..

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