‘Add a Trail’ Feature Working Again

Trail View Working Again Too

trail information
Trail Information

You can once again add new trails and fully view your favorite trails on Trailsnet.com. Sorry it took so long to get the website back up and working again, but website maintenance costs $, and Trailsnet has no source of funding except user donations, and those have been quite sparse over the years. Currently, about 98% of Trailsnet’s funding comes from the pockets of one retired teacher who loves trails and wants to see those with similar interests sharing our favorite trails with each other.

Please Add Your Favorite Trails

Add a New Trail Feature

Now that we’re back up and functioning again, please feel free to add your favorite trails to Trailsnet and encourage your friends, biking partners, hiking pals, running compatriots and backpacking buddies to do the same. It’s easy to do… I think. Having said that, please feel free to use the contact feature on this website to let me know what you think. Do I have too many required fields in the ‘Add a New Trail’ section? Am I missing some important fields? Heck, let’s take it a step further. If you could do anything to improve Trailsnet.com, what would you do? I’m open to suggestions because…

Trailsnet Will Be Starting a Crowdfunding Campaign in 2020

I would like to completely revamp the Trailsnet website to make it more user friendly, make it look better and make it more streamlined. Needless to say, that costs more than my meager income can afford or I would have done it long ago. So I will be starting a fundraising campaign to raise money for these website upgrades. I have already started seeking bids from website development companies as the first step in this process. Once I’ve figured out how much it will cost, I will then start putting the campaign together. As always, I welcome your input regarding this project. If you have any suggestions about the Trailsnet website, crowdfunding campaigns or technical advice about how to improve Trailsnet.com, I’d enjoy hearing from you. Here are some of the items that will NOT change about Trailsnet:

  • Trailsnet will still be open for all types of trails and trail users. That is one of the aspects that makes us unique. We are not a website for just certain specific demographics. We’re for all trail fans.
  • Trailsnet will be a website for trails worldwide. We may have short-term campaigns that focus on certain areas temporarily, but we want to be a source of trail information for users throughout the world.
  • Trailsnet will continue to be a strong advocate for trails as a viable alternative to roads for transportation, recreation and commuting. We believe in the environmental, safety and health benefits of trails and feel that trails are by far the most economical mode of transportation. Sometimes the old/original solutions are the best.

Permanent link to this article: https://trailsnet.com/2019/02/23/add-a-trail-feature-working-again/

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