Category: trails website

Choose your favorite trails website in our latest poll.

A new trail-related poll was unveiled on the trails network blog yesterday. The poll is located in the left hand column of the blog and allows participants to make more than one choice. The topic for this month’s poll is: What is your favorite trails website? And of course, the trails network blog is one …

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6 Tips for Choosing a Hiking Trail

If you’re thinking about getting into hiking, whether as a hobby, as part of a health plan, or just because you’ve got too much time on your hands, (I can’t relate to that, but…) the hiking & trails website has a list of tips to help you choose the trail that best suits your needs: Get …

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Big trails website change

Your trailsnet blogging experience has just gotten a little easier.Starting on December 1, 2010, the trailsnet blog and trailsnet home page have become one in the same. So now, instead of entering to visit the blog, you just need to visit Don’t worry, if you forget, or you had the blogspot address bookmarked, …

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How to Improve Michelle Obama’s Fight Against Childhood Obesity

I love Michelle Obama’s goals for fighting childhood obesity. I think it is a great campaign and a wonderful choice of causes for our First Lady. I am especially happy that “Increasing Physical Activity” is one of her major goals in the battle against childhood obesity. But those of you who follow my blog, Twitter …

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